I have issued tokens on several blockchains, Timah, TIM, YAWTI, and Baadbe, all of which are equivalent. One of their uses is to function as Reward Points within my shopping website's mechanism. I offer a free service for swap tokens between blockchains, providing a low-cost entry point into the blockchain world.
A blockchain must be utilized to be meaningful. On the Symbol blockchain, my Baadbe Mosaic ID is 1E4967BAADB8E757. The advantage of using just an ID is that, with a one-time fee, the ID is permanently owned. Yesterday, feeling that the excellent Symbol blockchain was underutilized, I decided to lead by example and rented the Namespace "baadbe" for 1500 days, costing 864 XYM (approximately $18). I also rented a sub-Namespace "com" for the Mosaic ID 1E4967BAADB8E757. The word "baadbe" is derived from the ID and happens to be an attractive color code. Additionally, I rented the sub-Namespace "dai" for the concept of IOU DAI.
Today, I rented the single characters "i" and "m" for 30 days. I plan to continue renting "m" and use "m.XXXX" to provide token services. If you want to issue your own Mosaic but avoid annual fees, the alias name "m.YOUR_Mosaic_NAME" is a wise choice.

我在幾個區塊鏈發行的 token, Timah, TIM, YAWTI 和 Baadbe,全部等值,其中一個用途是在我的購物網頁機制內等同 Reward Points, 我提供 token 免費切換區塊鏈服務,提供一個低成本進入區塊鏈世界的管道。

區塊鏈必須要有人取用其用途才有意思,我在 Symbol blockchain 的 Baadbe Mosaic ID 1E4967BAADB8E757, 只用 ID 的好處是自給一次費用就永久保有 ID。昨天有感 Symbol blockchain那麼優秀卻沒什麼人取用,我就以身作則去租用 Namespaces , baadbe 我租了 1500 天,費用是 864XYM( 約18 美元),然後再租個 sub Namespace “com” 給 Mosaic ID 1E4967BAADB8E757,baadbe 一字取自 ID,剛好是一個相當養眼的顏色碼。另外,也租個 sub namespace “dai”, 做 IOU DAI 的概念。

今天,我再租下 單字 i 和 m, 30 天而已,過後想想,我會繼續租 m, 然後用 m.XXXX 來提供 token Services. 如果你想自己發行一個 Mosaic 但不想給年費,m.YOUR_Mosiac_NAME 的 alias 名是一個明智選擇。
