Jim Willie is essentially an Icon in the new economy movement and I am not entirely certain he realizes it yet. He brings high quality Economics forecasting content to his customers at the Golden Jackass Report’s Homepage: www.goldenjackass.com

This content is generally based on Geopolitical and Geoeconomic events, coupled with some insider leaks and a skill in data analytics that helps him paint a vivid picture of current world events. He does so liberally with a wide and wet brush. I’d have it no other way.

I hope everyone enjoys learning from him and also our conversations about the blockchain (with special consideration for BitShares) and the potential solutions it enables our current paradigm’s as-yet-irreconcilable problems. This will be fun for everyone despite the dark tone of some of the forecasting because although Jim’s focus isn’t forecasting sun-shiney days, at least his delivery has a level of humor. I hope you brought your thinking cap…and maybe a fresh pint to set the tone!”

Full Hangout and Transcript : https://goo.gl/1WyJJZ