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    	<title>Burning Messages v0.0.1</title>
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    <h4>The web address on line 400 of this HTML file is localhost, and you must first install <a target="_tab" href="https://www.jelurida.com/ardor"> Ardor blockchain software.</a> or switch to <a href="/bsms">Online version</a> </h4>
    <a target="_tab" href="https://medium.com/@galeki_101/power-of-unconfirmed-dc416377859f">Original version 原創</a><br>
    If you don't have Ardor account, just use passphrase 0 and 1:<br>
    Passphrase 0 account ID : ARDOR-NZKH-MZRE-2CTT-98NPZ<br>
    Passphrase 1 account ID : ARDOR-X5JH-TJKJ-DVGC-5T2V8<br>
    Simple passphrase is NOT GOOD password, use at own risk. 
    <div id="modal_login" class="modal">
      <div class="modal-content">
        <div class="modal-header">
          <span class="close">×</span>
        <div class="modal-body">
    		<input type="password" style="text-align:left;margin-top:8px;height:1em;" id="text_passphrase" placeholder='Input Passphrase here to Login.'></input>
    		<p style="text-align:right;"><button id="_login" style="">Login</button></p>
    <div id="modal_about" class="modal">
      <div class="modal-content">
        <div class="modal-header">
          <span class="close">×</span>
        <div class="modal-body">
    		<p>This is a concept private chat dApp using only the <strong>
    		Unconfirmed Transactions</strong> of Ardor platform.</p>
    		<p>It sending encrypted messages with 0 fee which will never be 
    		confirmed or recorded in blockchain.</p>
    		<p>That&#39;s means messages are gone after deadlines(15 mins by default), 
    		they are <strong>Burning</strong>. :)
    		<p>but for chatting that&#39;s quite enough, and even with some advantages:</p>
    				<li>Messages are instant, depends on the speed of broadcasting, 
    				no longer depends on blocktime.</li>
    				<li>No one can dig your chat history even steal your paraphrase, 
    				all messages are gone after deadlines.</li>
    				<li>It&#39;s free, a account with public key is the only thing you 
    <div class='app-layout'>
        <div class='header box'>
    		<div><span id='recipient_name'></span>:</div>
    		<input type="text" style="text-align:left;margin-top:8px;height:1em;font-size:120%;" id="account_message_recipient" placeholder='Input Ardor address of Recipient here.'></input>
    		<!--<button id="_hang_up" style="margin-left:10px;" onclick="hang_up()" class="hang_up">Hang up</button>-->
        <div class='main box' style=''>		
    		<div class="unconfirmed_direct_messages"></div>
    	<div class="box input fixed_content extra_direct_messages"  style="">
    			<div class="notify"><span class="close">×</span><span class="text"></span></div>	
    			<div id='current_login_name'></div>
    			<div id='current_login_account'></div>
    		<textarea type='text' placeholder='Max 500 characters. Press Ctrl+Enter to Send.' id='_direct_message' maxlength="500" style="width:100%;height:100px;"></textarea>
    		<p style="text-align:right;"><button id="_send_direct_message" style="display:none;" onclick="send_direct_message()">
    		Send</button><button id="btn_login" style='margin-left:10px;'>Login</button><button id="btn_about" style='margin-left:10px;'>
     		$('.notify span.close').click(function() {
    		$('#btn_login').click(function() {
    			$('#modal_login .modal-header h3').text($(this).text());
    			$('#modal_login #_login').text($(this).text());
    		$('#modal_login span.close').click(function() {
    		$('#_login').click(function() {
    			_passphrase = $("#text_passphrase").val();
    			if(_passphrase) {
    		$("#btn_about").click(function() {
    		$('#modal_about span.close').click(function() {
    	window.onclick = function(event) {
    		if (event.target.className == 'modal') {
    			event.target.style.display = "none";
    		var VERSION = 'v0.0.1';
    		var MAX_MESSAGES = 100;
    		var FEE_IGNIS = 0.0000001;
    		var REFRESH_TIMS = 3;
    		var AUTO_LOGIN = true;
    		var DEADLINE = 15;
    		var FEE_NQT = 0;
    		var DEFAULT_TITLE = "不留痕跡私信 Burning Messages " + VERSION;
    		var _passphrase_key = window.location.href + '_a' + VERSION;
    		var _recipient_key = window.location.href + '_a_recp' + VERSION;
    		var _node_url = "";
    		var _current_login_account;
    		var _passphrase;
    		var _last_message_timestamp;
    		var _current_direct_message_recipient;
    		var recipient_name = '- No Name -';
    		var sender_name = '- No Name -';
    		var entityMap = {
    		  '&': '&amp;',
    		  '<': '&lt;',
    		  '>': '&gt;',
    		  '"': '&quot;',
    		  "'": '&#39;',
    		  '/': '&#x2F;',
    		  '`': '&#x60;',
    		  '=': '&#x3D;'
    		function escapeHtml(string) {
    		  return String(string).replace(/[&<>"'`=\/]/g, function (s) {
    			return entityMap[s];
    		Array.prototype.last = function() {return this[this.length-1];}
    		function _login() {
    			  $.ajax({url: _node_url, data: {'requestType': 'getAccountId', 'secretPhrase': _passphrase }, 
    				success: function(data) {
    					_current_login_account = $.parseJSON(data)["accountRS"];
    					$.ajax({url: _node_url, data: {'requestType': 'getAccount', 'account': _current_login_account }, async: false,
    							success: function(data) {
    								var name = $.parseJSON(data)["name"];	
    								if (name && name.length > 0) {
    									sender_name = name;
    								}else {
    									sender_name = '- No Name -';
    								$("#btn_login").text('Change User');
    					if(localStorage && AUTO_LOGIN){ localStorage.setItem(_passphrase_key, _passphrase); }
    				error: function() {
    					show_error('error login');
    		var blink_msg;
    		function blink_title() {
    			blink_msg = ((blink_msg == '!!New Message!!') ? DEFAULT_TITLE : '!!New Message!!');
    		var interval;
    		$(window).focus(function () {
    			interval = null;
    		function notify_new_message() {
    			if (!document.hasFocus() && !interval) {
    				interval = setInterval(blink_title, 700);
    		var down = false;
    		$(document).mousedown(function() {
    			down = true;
    		}).mouseup(function() {
    			down = false;  
    		function show_unconfirm_direct_messages() {
    				_current_direct_message_recipient = $("#account_message_recipient").val();
    				$.ajax({url: _node_url, data: {'requestType': 'getUnconfirmedTransactions', 'chain': 2, 'account': _current_login_account, 'account': _current_direct_message_recipient, 'lastIndex': MAX_MESSAGES}, async: false,
    					success: function(data) {
    						var rtn_msg = $.parseJSON(data);
    						if(rtn_msg['errorDescription']) {
    							show_error('Error getting message: ' + rtn_msg['errorDescription']);
    						} else {
    							rtn_msg['unconfirmedTransactions'] = rtn_msg['unconfirmedTransactions'].sort(function(a,b){ return a['timestamp'] - b['timestamp']});
    							if(rtn_msg['unconfirmedTransactions'].length > 0)
    								_last_message_timestamp = _last_message_timestamp || rtn_msg['unconfirmedTransactions'].last()['timestamp'];
    							var all_html = "";
    							for(var i = 0; i<rtn_msg['unconfirmedTransactions'].length; i++) {
    								var msg = rtn_msg['unconfirmedTransactions'][i];
    								if(msg && msg['attachment']['encryptedMessage'] && msg['attachment']['encryptedMessage']['isText']) {
    									if(msg['senderRS'] == _current_login_account || msg['senderRS'] == _current_direct_message_recipient) {
    											$.ajax({url: _node_url, data: {'requestType': 'decryptFrom', 'account': _current_direct_message_recipient, 'data': msg['attachment']['encryptedMessage']['data'], 'nonce': msg['attachment']['encryptedMessage']['nonce'], 'decryptedMessageIsText': true, 'secretPhrase': _passphrase  }, async: false,
    													success: function(data) {
    														var message = $.parseJSON(data)["decryptedMessage"];	
    														if (message) {
    															msg['attachment']['message'] = message;
    															var html = build_unconfirm_direct_message_tag(msg);
    															all_html = all_html + html;
    							if(rtn_msg['unconfirmedTransactions'].last() && rtn_msg['unconfirmedTransactions'].last()['timestamp'] > _last_message_timestamp) {
    								_last_message_timestamp = rtn_msg['unconfirmedTransactions'].last()['timestamp'];
    								$("div.main").animate({scrollTop: $("div.main").prop("scrollHeight")} , 1);
    		function show_notice(msg) {
    				$('.notify .text').text(msg);
    		function show_error(msg) {
    				$('.notify .text').text(msg);
    		$("#account_message_recipient").change(function() {
    			_current_direct_message_recipient = $(this).val();
    			if(localStorage && AUTO_LOGIN && _current_direct_message_recipient) {
    				localStorage.setItem(_recipient_key, _current_direct_message_recipient);
    		function send_direct_message() {
    			  var msg = $("#_direct_message").val();		
    			  if(msg.length == 0)
    			  $.ajax({url: _node_url, data: {'requestType': 'sendMessage', 'chain': 2, 'recipient': _current_direct_message_recipient, 
    											 'secretPhrase': _passphrase, 'feeNQT': FEE_NQT, 'deadline': DEADLINE,
    											 'messageToEncrypt': msg, 'messageToEncryptIsText': true, 'encryptedMessageIsPrunable': true
    											 }, type: 'POST',
    				success: function(data) {
    						var rtn_msg = $.parseJSON(data);
    						if(rtn_msg['errorDescription']) {
    							show_error('Error sending direct message: ' + rtn_msg['errorDescription']);
    						} else {
    							if(rtn_msg["transactionJSON"]) {
    				error: function() {
    					show_error('error sending direct messages');
    		$('#_direct_message').keydown(function (e) {
    			if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 13) {
    		$( document ).ready(function() {
    				if(localStorage && AUTO_LOGIN) {
    					_passphrase = localStorage.getItem(_passphrase_key);
    					if(_passphrase && _passphrase.length > 0) {
    					_current_direct_message_recipient = localStorage.getItem(_recipient_key);
    				setInterval(show_unconfirm_direct_messages, REFRESH_TIMS*1000);						
    		function get_recipient_name() {
    			var recipient = $("#account_message_recipient").val();
    			if(recipient.length > 0) {
    					$.ajax({url: _node_url, data: {'requestType': 'getAccount', 'account': recipient }, async: false,
    							success: function(data) {
    								var name = $.parseJSON(data)["name"];	
    								if (name && name.length > 0) {
    									recipient_name = name;								
    								}else {
    									recipient_name = '- No Name -';
    		function a_to_j(ardor_timestamp) {
    			return (new Date(ardor_timestamp*1000 + Date.UTC(2018)));
    		function rel_time(s) {
    			var now = new Date();
    			var secs_diff = (now - s) / 1000;
    			if(secs_diff < 60){
    			  return parseInt(secs_diff) + 's';
    			if(secs_diff < 3600){
    			  return parseInt(secs_diff/60) + 'm';
    			if(secs_diff <= 86400){
    			  return parseInt(secs_diff/3600) + 'h';
    		function time_to_burned(s) {
    			var now = new Date();
    			var secs_diff = (now - s) / 1000;
    			var secs_left = DEADLINE * 60 - secs_diff;
    			if(secs_left < 0)
    				secs_left = 0;
    			if(secs_left < 60){
    			  return parseInt(secs_left) + 's';
    			if(secs_left < 3600){
    			  return parseInt(secs_left/60) + 'm';
    			if(secs_left <= 86400){
    			  return parseInt(secs_left/3600) + 'h';
    		function build_unconfirm_direct_message_tag(mgs) {
    			var _message = `<div class='message direct_message unconfirmed_message ${(mgs['senderRS']==_current_login_account) ? 'self' : ''}' id='${mgs['attachment']['encryptedMessageHash']}'>
    								<div class='message_header'>
    									<span class='time_left' style="float:right;font-size:90%;color:#aaaa00;"> ${time_to_burned(a_to_j(mgs['timestamp']))} left</span>
    									<span class='sender' >${(mgs['senderRS']==_current_login_account) ? sender_name : recipient_name}<span class='account_note'> ${mgs['senderRS']}</span></span><span class='datatime'> ${rel_time(a_to_j(mgs['timestamp']))} ago</span>
    								<div class='message_body'>
    									<span class='message_content'>${escapeHtml(mgs['attachment']['message'])}</span>
    			return _message;						