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      <h1><font face="Bernard MT Condensed">kianchai's</font></h1>
      <h6>A <b>decentralized</b> website created by okchai.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  <a target="_tab" href="/index/showpost.html?msg=2ijD3az6rrWxH5imZ7q6YUioR7pJkCMLTaXGRjgRgonrZtuv2jqYEqhypb7wKyZztnStHnMH1QLz3D658HKu8qhc"> SPONSORED 廣告</a> :</h6>  
      <marquee direction="left" scrolldelay="130" behavior="scroll" scrollamount="10">
      <b><font size="5" color="black">: : - : : - : : It's very attractive to the libertarian viewpoint if we can explain it properly. I'm better with code than with words though. . : : - : : - : :</font></b>
       Satoshi Nakamoto
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      <a href="index.htm" class="active">Home </a>
      <a href="/index/blog.html?blogname=okchai">okchai <font size="1">Qora</font></a>
      <a href="/index/blog.html?blogname=timah">Timah <font size="1">Qora</font></a>
      <a href="https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmV38MEMp5sbi8fJvQo9tZGiCK3Cwox2zzGuF7bR5tip29/blokchain1-1.htm">okchai <font size="1">IPFS</font></a>
      <a href="https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmNjVqZRTRrKGZNL9P5KQX5ZVDmwdiVaiu3PotKo7wZcxF/ardor_forum.htm">Forum <font size="1">Ardor+IPFS</font></a>
      <a href="/timah" class="right">The TIM JOURNAL <font size="1">Qora+IPFS</font></a>
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        <h2>okchai's crypto world</h2>
        <h3>Gateway to okchai's decentralized activities </h3>
        kianchai.com is a centralized website, designed as a gateway for links to blockchain and crypto token projects.<br><br>
    	This is a passive website, one way information for friends and interaction only allow at blockchain base services. This website helps you to learn blockchain, and use 
    	Crypto and blockchain prefer decentralized, basically the domain name kianchai.com 
    	can be let go one day. It is meaningless to hack this website, if you want it, here I make an offer: 
    	For my crypto friends only : <b>kianchai.com</b> domain name for exchange with 1billion TIM/TIMAH Token.<br><br>
    	send to okchai's Qora wallet : <font size="1">QMZwrMVDW8L5CTb896ubMeRWUBjiG4cQAi</font> <br>
    	No idea about 1billion TIM/TIMAH Token?&nbsp; It is a pair of tokens issued by me(okchai), this token is worthless, but 
    	may have some kind of value	for my crypto friends if I add functions to it.
        <h3>Journey to the Blockhain Crypto World</h3>
        This is a learning journey, use it to learn something. To become my crypto friends, you need to stake 10000 TIM/TIMAH token. <br>
        How to stake TIM/TIMAH token? <br>
    	1. Get some TIM at Ardor blockchain, or TIMAH at Qora blockchain.
    	(<a href="/index/showpost.html?msg=2NrUF1AHcoixxtnfVFtH3jY9N3s6TVPS9pcaogctQnzwGK9kt53AimHJ4y4QkF7rs6X7b1G5fTEoDYUAKHWwEz34">TIM and TIMAH</a>)
    	2. Make sure you always have 10000 balance. <br><br>
    	3. Send a message to okchai's Qora wallet : <br>
    	<font size="1">QMZwrMVDW8L5CTb896ubMeRWUBjiG4cQAi</font>
    	4. okchai will review your status. To become friends, I must know you. To become crypto friend, additional blockchain interactive is 
    	a must.<br><br>
    	5. Only friends with Qora wallet address will be added to my crypto friends list.
    	okchai's crypto friends list:<br>
    	| <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?addr=QMZwrMVDW8L5CTb896ubMeRWUBjiG4cQAi">0:okchai</a> 
    	| <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?addr=QSu8ZNjBzE2GkjSMsXbW453cuhJhM3Mjem">1:ny</a> 
    	| <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?addr=QVVSUcmLSYwj6s6YgTVRtLZTS7twSYagM9">2:ns</a> 
    	| <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?addr=QXrYXC1A968q4MK6V2TYsuNfZeNL8K9Aab">3: </a> 
    	| <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?addr=Qct2uiaf1Xy2k2rRWFHYEVSWpmbKCBa66p">4: </a> 
    	| <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?addr=QNCz7mLMypUg2rANsbLSoMQryGwz11v1dd">5:W </a>
    	| <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?addr=QijUc9xGZYEqzLQkwFAkpjkeoySbjDmU9U">6:L </a>
    	| <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?addr=QdByDkbEHUGCH7nN7bewgu3SiA6gspynHK">7:H </a>
    	| <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?addr=QXBp3hWZCAUnuAsPT5MRDmgGXPUhv4L7aS">8:SL </a>
    	With Crypto friends status, you can do these :<br><br>
    	1. post comment on my Qora blog. <br><br>
    	2. Send encrypted message (message) to okchai Qora wallet. <br><br>
    	3. It is not a good practise to keep your token in any exchange, but if you have no wallet for the token, 
    	you have no choice. For crypto friend who trusts me, 
    	my crypto friends no. 4, 5 and 6, I actually help them to keep some crypto token.<br><br>
    	4. Exchange TIM/TIMAH token with some services, tools and hardware. <br><br>
    	5. Blockchain and crypto related consultation, or information sharing. <br><br>
    	6. Participate in blockchain and crypto activities arranged by okchai. <br><br>
        <h3>On going activities arrange by okchai</h3>
    	From friend upgrade to crypto friend, you need crypto the TIM/TIMAH token.
    	Timah is a token on Qora Blockchain, Qora is designed to be a decentralized blockchain, 
    	but currently, only about 10 full node worldwide, it is too small to call it decentralized. What I do here is trying to save Qora :  <br>
    	For friend only, make sure I know you, <b>maintain a Qora full node to get 1000Qora/month, max 1 year, </b> try to achieve 100% uptime, limited to 10 friends only. You can exchange Qora with Timah 
    	token at the decentralized exchange in Qora Exchange, and stake Timah to gain crypto friend status. 
    	Walk around to play a game and get <a target="_tab" href="https://triffic.app/">GPS token </a>, this idea actually from my 
    	<a href="https://www.facebook.com/ong.kianchai/posts/3483145798372089">facebook post</a>. 
    	I am trying to make a demonstration for future markets.	
    	For friends only, Exchange minimum amount of <b>1000GPS in-App GPS token, with 50% of 1 day average market price</b>, until the App allow in-App token transfer to Ardor blockchain.  
    	 <h3>Default localhost services</h3>
        To use following links list, blockchain full node and IPFS node need to run at localhost, no need https to secure the network connection. <br><br>
        1. <a href="">okchai <font size="1">Qora</font></a><br>
     	2. <a href="">Timah <font size="1">Qora</font></a><br>
        3. <a href="">okchai <font size="1">IPFS</font></a><br>
        4. <a href="">Forum <font size="1">Ardor+IPFS</font></a><br>
        5. <a href="" class="right">The TIM JOURNAL <font size="1">Qora+IPFS</font></a><br><br>
        Testing for freedom of information.
    	<a target="_tab" href="/index/showpost.html?msg=2ijD3az6rrWxH5imZ7q6YUioR7pJkCMLTaXGRjgRgonrZtuv2jqYEqhypb7wKyZztnStHnMH1QLz3D658HKu8qhc">SPONSORED 廣告</a> :</h6>
      <div class="main">
        <h2>kianchai's Gateway</h2>
        <h5>Links to blockchain and crypto world</h5>
        <h3>Decentralized Blockchain</h3>
        1. <a target="_tab" href="https://bitcoin.org/en/">Bitcoin (BTC)</a>  The only official website for Bitcoin is bitcoin.org, no others domain especially the ".com" one. <br><br>
        2. <a target="_tab" href="https://ethereum.org/en/">Ethereum (ETH)</a>  A project I support since pre-ICO era, 
        my <a target="_tab" href="https://www.facebook.com/ong.kianchai/posts/778383135515049"> Facebook post</a> record. <br><br>
        3. <a target="_tab" href="https://litecoin.org/">Litecoin(LTC)</a> a very old blockchain project.<br><br>
        4. <a target="_tab" href="https://www.namecoin.org/">Namecoin (NMC)</a> Another blockchain project touched by Satoshi, the Bitcoin creator. design for domain name services, ".bit". <br><br>
        5. <a target="_tab" href="https://www.getmonero.org/">Monero (XMR)</a> "The leading cryptocurrency with a focus on private and censorship-resistant transactions."<br><br>
        6. <a target="_tab" href="https://z.cash/">Zcash (ZEC)</a> "Zcash is a privacy-protecting, digital currency built on strong science." zk-SNARKs, zero-knowledge cryptography, 
        not just for cryptocurrency use. <br><br>
        7. <a target="_tab" href="https://sia.tech/">Siacoin (SC)</a> "Decentralized storage for the post-cloud world." not alpha version, not beta, it is real storage now.<br><br>
        8. <a target="_tab" href="https://scpri.me/">SCPrime (SCP)</a> A worling Siacoin blockchain clone happen after the Sia ASIC fork.<br><br>
        9. <a target="_tab" href="https://bytecoin.org/">Bytecoin (BCN)</a>The first working CryptoNote Proof of Work (PoW) crypto coin, Monero's father. Over 95% minted during genesis days. 
        (sound scammy, but because of PoW, it is not truely scam.)<br><br>
        10. <a target="_tab" href="https://ethereumclassic.org/">Ethereum Classic (ETC)</a> Ethereum fork after The DAO hacked.<br><br>
        11. <a target="_tab" href="https://dogecoin.com/">Dogecoin (DOGE)</a> Just for fun, then become long live crypto coin.<br><br>
        12. <a target="_tab" href="https://www.jelurida.com/nxt">NXT</a> The first pure Proof of Stake blockchain.<br><br>
        13. <a target="_tab" href="https://www.jelurida.com/ardor">Ardor (ARDR)</a> Also known as NXT 2.0, extra power with child chain design. <br><br>
        14. <a target="_tab" href="https://grin.mw/">Grin (GRIN)</a> New blockchain coin focus on private and censorship-resistant transactions. <br><br>
        15. <a target="_tab" href="https://github.com/Qoracoin/Qora/releases">Qora Github</a> and <a target="_tab" href="http://docs.qora.org/"> Qora API docs (read only web)</a>. No more official website, 
        API docs still available at the qora.org domain, Qora itself is a decentralzied web server, a blockchain(Qora) is worth to rescue. <br><br>
        16. <a target="_tab" href="https://www.dash.org/">Dash</a> An old PoW crypto coin.<br><br>
        17. <a target="_tab" href="https://digibyte.io/">DigiByte (DGB)</a> A SegWit coin, others SegWit coin : Bitcoin and Litecoin.<br><br>
        <h3>Blockchain Technologies </h3>
        1. <a target="_tab" href="https://ripple.com/xrp/">Ripple (XRP)</a> Aim to be a banker use paltform. <br><br>
        2. <a target="_tab" href="https://eos.io/">EOS</a> A Bytemaster Daniel Larimer's project, ICO on Ethereum.<br><br>
        3. <a target="_tab" href="https://bitshares.org/"> Bitshares</a> Bytemaster Daniel Larimer's first blockchain project. <br><br>
        4. <a target="_tab" href="https://steem.com/">Steem</a> Bytemaster Daniel Larimer's content storage project. <br><br>
        5. <a target="_tab" href="https://hive.io/">Hive</a> A fork from Steem to filter some big holder, no big bag holder mean more decentralized.<br><br>
        6. <a target="_tab" href="https://www.stellar.org/">Stellar (XLM)</a> A Blockchain technologies platform founded by a Ripple ex-staff, XRP big bag holder. <br><br>
       	7. <a target="_tab" href="https://www.kin.org/">Kin</a> An ICO project on Ethereum, now use Stellar software to build their own blockchain, a Stellar clone.<br><br>
        <h3>Crypto Tokens</h3>
        1. <a target="_tab" href="https://0x.org/">0x (ZRX)</a> The most fair and successfull ICO, utilities token for tokens exchange. <br><br>
        2. <a target="_tab" href="https://uniswap.org/">UNI</a> Governance token for Uniswap DeFi platform. <br><br>
        3. <a target="_tab" href=" https://makerdao.com/en/">DAI</a> A DeFi token, 1DAI = 1USD. <br><br>
        4. <a target="_tab" href="https://makerdao.com/en/">Maker (MKR)</a> Governance token for Maker-DAI platform. <br><br>
        5. <a target="_tab" href="https://kyber.network/">Kyber Network (KNC)</a> Governance token for Kyber Network. <br><br>
        6. <a target="_tab" href="https://www.jelurida.com/ignis">Ignis</a> First Ardor child chain, users are allow to issue new token on this child chain.<br><br>
        7. <a target="_tab" href="https://www.bitswift.io/">Bitswift (BITS)</a> An Ardor child chain, a gateway service for tokenize Ethereum and Bitcoin on Ardor blockchain,
        a gateway similar to most of the popular so-call DeFi mechanical in the market.<br><br>
        8. <a target="_tab" href="https://triffic.app/"> GPS Token</a>Now a new Ardor child chain, for a game use in Android phone and iPhone. <br><br>
        9. <a target="_tab" href="https://wbtc.network/">Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC)</a>Tokenize Bitcoin on Ethereum blockchain.<br><br>
        10. <a target="_tab" href="https://tether.to/">USDT</a> Most popular USD Token, you can use it, but always remember, it is NOT USD. <br><br>
        11. <a target="_tab" href="  https://omg.network/">OMG Network (OMG)</a> 2 layer, offchain transaction solution for Ethereum blockchain. <br><br>
      <h3>Crypto and Blockchain news</h3>
       1. <a target="_tab" href="https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3"> BitcoinTalk (BTT)</a> Bitcoin Forum, the very raw information about bitcoin's creator Satoshi Nakamoto can be found here.<br><br>
       2. <a target="_tab" href="https://bitcoinmagazine.com/authors/vitalik-buterin"> Bitcoin Magazine</a> Vitalik Buterin is a co-founder of Bitcoin Magazine.<br><br>                                       
       3. <a target="_tab" href="https://coinmarketcap.com/">coinmarketcap (CMC)</a> Popular market Price update, but now a Binance baby.<br><br>
       4. <a target="_tab" href=" https://www.coingecko.com/en">CoinGecko</a> "CoinGecko provides a fundamental analysis of the crypto market."<br><br>               
       5. <a target="_tab" href="https://www.coindesk.com/">coindesk</a> A DCG's crypto news company.<br><br>
       6. <a target="_tab" href="https://cointelegraph.com/">cointelegraph</a><br><br>
       7. <a target="_tab" href="https://vitalik.ca/">Vitalik Buterin's website</a><br><br>			
    <div class="footer">
     <h6><a target="_tab" href="/index/showpost.html?msg=2ijD3az6rrWxH5imZ7q6YUioR7pJkCMLTaXGRjgRgonrZtuv2jqYEqhypb7wKyZztnStHnMH1QLz3D658HKu8qhc">SPONSORED 廣告</a> :</h6>
      <h2>Be water my friend</h2>
      <p>This is NOT centralized webpage, the VPS server is optional. Kianchai's works as a gateway to okchai's 
    	decentralized activities, a public website but interaction within friends only. </p>