NFT i/2820.png (Qora2 OpenSea)

The owner of NFT i/2820.png (Qora2 on OpenSea) also owns a piece of virtual-land on /i map. Clicking View website for the OpenSea NFT will redirect to this website via Qora gateway (/southpole0 is a Qora QNS web3 site), and clicking on the virtual-land plot will also redirect to this website. The NFT owner has limited editing rights for this website.

Wait 稍等 ....
Qora southpole0 is heading to
aitway's web3
正在邁向壹位電腦 web3 網頁

50% Discount! on all products across Aitway's store (except NFT products) for registered NFT(i-Colors of 4 Pixels) holders.